Sambucol Cost of a Cold
Sambucol Cost of a Cold
The Brief
demonstrate the role of Sambucol in a post-COVID world
In a post COVID world, the true impact of cold and flu season isn’t just financial. With a creative rooted in key consumer insight, our #CostOfACold campaign for immunity supplement Sambucol demonstrated how cold season can affect a family’s mental wellbeing as much as physical.
Conducting research, we teamed up with a lead and expert ambassador as well as supporting influencers, to highlight the impacts the cold, flu and COVID season has on families beyond having to take the day off work. The #CostOfACold campaign was rooted in consumer insight to show that Sambucol can support your immune system from COVID, tapping into the news agenda as numbers (and media interest) started to rise once more.
We collaborated with immunologist Dr Jenna Macciochi, who hit the airwaves across the UK and created social content providing advice on how to bolster immunity, adding professional gravitas to the campaign. Alongside Dr Jenna was popular influencer Binky Felstead. As a parent in our target age and demographic bracket with an engaging and honest platform, Binky was an authentic brand ambassador who seamlessly slipped into our creative, creating social posts and participating in radio and media interviews to support the campaign and target our ABC1 parents. Alongside her was a team of supporting influencers who created Instagram reels delivering the #CostOfACold messaging and a call to action to purchase from Boots, with trackable UTM booking links.
Campaign in numbers
Total campaign reach